And this, I know, is where it gets weird. There's some kind of line one crosses when considering protecting the protective apparatus.
My Kindle (nicknamed Star Trek Reader) is on my nightstand 95% of the time. The rest of the time it's traveling with me, in my purse or suitcase. The cover is getting a little scratched in spite of my care when transporting it. It's not the kind of leather that's going to wear and soften; it's just going to look beat up. I decided the cover needed a cover, so I made this sleeve out of one of my favorite fabrics.
Insert a triumphant "ah ha!" here. |
Along the way I decided it really needed a little pocket for a mini Moleskine, to be used for jotting down books for the TBR list, and a pencil sleeve. I raided the box of vintage buttons and found this dusty black one. It is fasted with a narrow black elastic loop.
I love it.
It is lined with another of my favorite fabrics.
Pretty cozy in there, yes? |
While I caught some flack from family members about my aversion to scratches and dings, I might put one on etsy for the "others" out there.
Hi there. I'm currently ordering a Kindle Touch and the same olive green cover you have, and I love your cover for the cover idea - ha ha ha! Did you post it in Etsy? I've been looking and see ones similar, but I love the fabric you use. Just thought I'd check with you first.
Hi there! I'm in process of purchasing a Kindle Touch and the same olive green case you have, and I love your cover for the cover idea. Ha ha ha! I actually went onto Etsy to see if I could find your product. I found one that looks a lot like it but not the same fabric. I love the fabric you use. Anyway you could make one similar and if so, how much would you charge? If you already have something on Etsy, please point me in the right direction and I can check it out there.
Hi Sarah,
I don't see an email address on your profile, why don't you email me at
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