Every other Monday I go to a local farm to pick up my "share" of whatever is being harvested. We split a share with another person, hence the every other week thing. Most of the food has been picked and is in the barn on tables, and you go around and pick up a set amount of each thing. Then you can go and pick certain things yourself - yesterday was herbs (every herb, they are all ready) four types of green beans, blackberries, and three different flowers. You can also buy local (organically raised) chicken, beef, dairy products from cheese to ice cream, and eggs. Often it is so hot and humid that I either skip picking or just go as fast as I can to get my stuff, but yesterday was breezy and nice and I enjoyed it. DD and Boyfriend were with me and they picked too - you could pick all the green beans you wanted so we did, and the blackberry vines were just loaded. It can be very pleasant; you didn't have to till/plant/weed/water, you just get to harvest!
I usually arrange my haul on the kitchen counter while I am putting things away because it all looks so beautiful and yes, someone in my family usually laughs at me. But honestly, just look at this gorgeous food!

Swiss chard, kale, lettuce, carrots, onions, garlic, zucchini, cucumber, green and purple peppers, yellow potatoes, green/purple/yellow beans, tiny green beans called haricort verts, and on the right, a really big bowl of blackberries!!
No surprise that last night's dinner was a big pan of roasted vegetables with some grains, and carmelized onions and kale.
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